trains are my new favorite mode of transportation - how long to do you think a person could survive just riding the rails? i would like to discover this.
columbus's raping and pillaging of the land = no school for this girl. bike rides and thrift store shopping with a little thai food in the middle seem to make up the day. hurry to the village discount they love columbus and make all color price tags half off.
wisconsin autumns warm my heart - let's see how iowa's compares next weekend.
i want land one day - land where i can wake up make myself a cup of coffee and look out over it as the sun rises.
my friend jason would say
"Sunrise and Sunset are the best hours of light for your body and mind because it is light you can actually ingest by looking at it, into it and it into you, absorbing its remarkable resources thru your pupils. Other times of day the light will just burn your eyeballs out..."
i would say i have a big crush.
wisconsin in the morning awakes my soul.
have i mentioned that i think that erin english really is great and even more i really enjoy the erin/ellen team. they may just change the world one day with a bucket full of love and understanding.
steven bill im sorry that my post have been obnoxiously obscure and ridiculous i think that has just been my life lately - guess it ALL comes out in xangaland. do you know that i miss you guys in an obnoxiously obscure and ridiculous way?
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