Saturday, March 21, 2009

let the thoughts *spring* forth.

happy 3rd day of spring. somewhere in there it almost seems worth all the harsh harsh months of cold to be able to see the city slowly blossoming back to life.

last weekend i almost died by acid avocado. it was a close call and it was ugly. the lesson that might have been learned is that gluttony of avocado = acid stomach by avocado. not a easy lesson learned and if i'm going to be honest not a complete lesson learned. in the midst of all the sick i was able to start little seeds that will blossom into goodness. if you happen to stop by please be on the look out for...




nothing in me wants to be inside. yesterday i spent five hours doing school work in a coffee shop as the sunshine filled the earth outside. i think that a little bit of my soul was crushed because of it.

don't worry though. brittany came into town later that night and ellen came out to party and we walked over to the art cafe to fill ourselves with crepes and wine and my soul was restored.

lately i think that i might start to seriously consider quiting life in chicago and going to live with lykke li in stockholm.

tell me that wouldn't be the life.

in the name of spring i will leave you with a spring quote of inspiration.

"when the first warm days of spring arrived, I only existed through the five school days each week in order to really live on Saturdays. I would be off early every Saturday morning to the river, the woods or the surrounding hills to see what nature was doing about bringing the earth back to life, and to revel in all the changes that had taken place since the week before."
...stalking the wild asparagus...
euell gibbons


Jessie said...

I love your outlook on life Mary, it is so fun and enthusiastic. You will have to make a lot of excuses to take your class outside for classes :)

Grant and Jodie said...

i seriously didn't realize it was spring until i read your blog. i guess the seasons aren't as much appreciated in az. since we don't really have them. good luck w/the herbs...i always kill mine.

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Lovely post Mary! I try to grab any chance I can during the work week to get outside - to take a walk, ride my bike, even play in the garden for just a few minutes. It soothes the soul.