Thursday, November 17, 2005

i once read a book that said that brokenness is life's nature: that lives and hearts get broken - those of people we love, those of people that we will never meet. it said that this world sometimes feels like a waiting room of the emergency ward and that we who are more or less ok for now need to take the tenderness possible care of the more wounded people in the waiting room, until the healer comes.

i keep coming back to this thought. maybe it's the fact that this weekend i was surrounded by people that were in complete love but at the same time others who were in complete pain. that both these extremes were in the same room at the same time dealing with completely different things. maybe it's the fact that my days are spent with 20 seven year olds that constantly need shoes tied, nose's wiped, problems solved, strictness but hugs all in one moment. or that i get to spend most morning drinking tea and watching the beauty of the sunrise but then walk out of my house and see the complete ugliness in of the world as i am riding to school. but it has become more and more obvious how much this world needs love. and how it is our job to pass that love on. in love there is power. love someone for who they are - love with understanding and watch the change that comes. the change fussing at them or ignoring them would never bring.

i have been changed because of love and i think that it's our job to pass on the power of love to others - give others a glimpse of christ.

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